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Peel Region

Cawthra Road phase 3 sanitary trunk sewer

Schedule B Class Environmental Assessment

May 6, 2024 - Notice of study commencement and online public engagement

The study

The Region of Peel has identified the need for a trunk sewer along Burnhamthorpe Road from Cawthra Road to the existing East Trunk Sanitary sewer, adjacent to Little Etobicoke Creek (LEC) within Applewood Hills Park; and to improve local sanitary servicing along Wilcox Road and Tomken Road.

These upgrades are necessary to enhance wastewater servicing capacity and operational flexibility as part of Central Mississauga Capacity Improvements identified in the 2020 Water and Wastewater Master Plan to facilitate future growth and development. In addition, this Study is intended to address the Region’s State of Good Repair Basement Flooding Mitigation Program within the Wilcox Road and Runningbrook Dr sewersheds by diverting wastewater flows away from areas prone to sewer surcharging

As a result, a Schedule ‘B’ Class Environmental Assessment (EA) has been initiated to identify a solution for this infrastructure need. The map shows the area directly impacted by the proposed construction.

The study process will include:

Online public engagement

As part of the Study, online public engagement has been arranged to allow interested members of the public an opportunity to review and comment on the alternatives, including the preferred alternative, the evaluation process, and next steps in the Study process.

Presentation display boards

Submit any comments or concerns by June 17, 2024. Any input received by that date will be incorporated into the Project File Report, which will be available for public review when the study is completed.


For further information and to provide your comments, please contact:

Paul Rastrullo
Project Manager, Engineering
Wastewater Collection & Conveyance
Public Works, Region of Peel