A by-law to amend and interpret the by-laws of the Regional Municipality of Peel reflecting the changes to the organizational structure of the Regional Corporation effective as of June 1, 2007.

WHEREAS the Council of the Regional Municipality of Peel has by Resolution 2007-442 passed on March 29, 2007, authorized the Chief Administrative Officer to proceed with a reorganization of the corporate structure;

AND WHEREAS the Chief Administrative Officer has established June 1, 2007 as the effective date for the reorganization;

AND WHEREAS there are presently many by-laws that make reference to officers and employees by positions, titles, departments or divisions of the Regional Corporation for the purpose of delegating authority on behalf of Regional Council or to carry out such duties as may be set out in those by-laws;

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to amend the by-laws so that they make reference to the officers and employees of the Regional Corporation that reflect the positions, titles, departments and divisions under the reorganized structure;

NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Regional Municipality of Peel enacts as follows:

1. Every by-law in effect at the date that this by-law comes into effect is hereby amended as follows:

(i) A reference to the department head shown in column one of table one of this by-law shall be a reference to the department head shown opposite in column two of table one;

(ii) A reference to an employee by title, position, department, division or section, other than the department heads in table one, shall be a reference to the employee designated from time to time by the Chief Administrative Officer or the department head responsible for the program to which the by-law applies; and

(iii) For the purposes of clause (ii) a designation in writing signed by the Chief Administrative Officer or a department head listed in table one shall be sufficient proof of the designation for all purposes.

Table 1
Department Heads and Commissioners

Column 1
Column 2
Commissioner of Corporate Services and Regional Solicitor Commissioner of Corporate Services and Regional Solicitor
Treasurer and Commissioner of Finance Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Commissioner of Health Commissioner of Health Services
Commissioner of Housing Commissioner of Human Services
Commissioner of People, Information and Technology Commissioner of Employee and Business Services
Commissioner of Planning Commissioner of Environment, Transportation and Planning Services
Commissioner of Public Works Commissioner of Environment, Transportation and Planning Services

Commissioner of Social Services

Commissioner of Human Services


2. By-law 57-2006 is hereby amended as follows:

(i) Section 2 definition (h) "General Committee Section" is amended by deleting the words "…which groupings shall include Housing and Property; Human Services; Management; Planning and Public Works".

3. This by-law comes into effect on June 1, 2007.



C. Gravlev

Regional Clerk

E. Kolb

Regional Chair