The Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee met on March 7, 2002, at 1:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 10 Peel Centre Dr..

Members: S. Fennell; E. Kolb; L. Bissell, designate for P. Palleschi; P. Saito; I. Sinclair; R. Whitehead
Members Absent: M. Prentice
Also Present: C. Gyles
Also Present: Region of Peel: Roger Maloney, Chief Administrative Officer, Nick Tunnacliffe, Commissioner of Planning; Robert Gepp, Acting Director, Long Range Planning, Research & Information; Ron Jaros, Planning Manager, Long Range Planning, Research & Information; John Daly, Legislative Co ordinator, Corporate Services, Clerk's
  City of Mississauga: Thomas Mokrzyki, Commissioner, Planning and Building Department; John Calvert, Director, Policy Planning; Thomas Mulligan, Director, Transportation and Engineering Planning; Robert Sasaki, Manager, Transportation Planning
  City of Brampton: John Marshall, Commissioner, Planning and Building; William Winterhalt, Director, Planning Policy and Research, Planning and Building
  Town of Caledon: Heather Konefat, Director of Planning and Development


J. Daly, Committee Clerk assumed the Chair and called the meeting to order.


J.Daly, Committee Clerk called for nominations for the position of Chair and Vice-Chair for the Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee. A motion was received nominating Councillor Sinclair and Councillor Saito as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively.

Councillor Fennell spoke to the nominations. Although the Councillor had no objections of the two nominations, it was suggested that the nominations be for the purpose of the March 7 meeting only, as each move strengthens the existence of the subcommittee. Also, Councillor Fennell suggested that certain members around the table disagree with reports on the agenda and with the terms of reference. Further, there may be a motion presented at Regional Council suggesting that a subcommittee is not the direction to proceed, and that establishing a Technical Advisory Committee on specific matters would be more appropriate.

The Committee Clerk advised members that Regional Council established the Subcommittee and the importance to elect a Chair and Vice-Chair until Regional Council determines if the Subcommittee's format and role should change, or the mandate is achieved.

The following recommendation was adopted:


That Councillor Sinclair be appointed as Chair of the Inter-municipal Planning Subcommittee;

And further, that Councillor Saito be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee.

Councillor Sinclair assumed the Chair.



Councillor Gyles (non-member) spoke to Item 4.e, listed on the subcommittee agenda. The Councillor held the opinion that the issue should be dealt with by Regional and Mississauga staff, and himself. Councillor Gyles suggested that the report item 4e regarding Amendment to Regional Official Plan - Sensitive Land Uses - Airport Operating Area be referred and dealt with by staff.

N. Tunnacliffe provided history on the subject as it relates to the Airport Operating Area. Staff were directed to develop a Regional official Plan (ROP) Amendment with the Cities of Mississauga and Brampton to clarify Council's current policy. Also, part of the subcommittee terms of reference deal with amendments to the ROP, and that staff felt it was advisable to bring the subject report to the subcommittee, prior to proceeding to General Committee (GC).

Councillor Gyles requested that the report be referred to staff until discussions with local Ward Councillors had been held.

Councillor Saito supported a referral of the subject report, suggesting that it was premature. Reports of this nature should not be presented until the subcommittee has determined the scope of its review, and that the subject report should be discussed with the Ward Councillors and subsequently presented to GC.

Councillor Saito moved the following, which was adopted:


That report item 4.e, Amendment to Regional Official Plan - Sensitive Land Uses - Airport Operating Area listed on the March 7, 2002 Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee be deleted from the agenda;

And further, that the agenda for the March 7, 2002, Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee meeting be approved, as amended.



Councillor Sinclair requested the Commissioner of Planning to provide background information on report item 4a. Terms of Reference for the Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee.

N. Tunnacliffe advised members that the Terms of Reference are developed by Clerk's utilizing a standard format for Committees of Council, utilizing the Resolution of Council to determine the Subcommittee mandate.

Councillor Fennell requested staff to advise how the subcommittee will deal with the suggested mandate and read from the subject report as follows:

Councillor Fennell requested Peel's Commissioner of Planning to explain that, without the subcommittee, will the updated population projections etc. be accomplished. The Commissioner advised members that work will be accomplished, however the value of the committee introduces a political perspective through the planning process, recognizing that there are three area municipalities working with the region.

Councillor Fennell expressed the opinion that a political perspective through the subcommittee to address item 4.a, Clause 2b is a duplication and waste of time, when the same subject matter can be dealt with via General Committee (GC), with all 21 Council members around the table.

Councillor Fennell directed members to the third bullet point, which read:

Councillor Fennell advised members that she is interested in inter-Regional issues as they relate to the Brampton boundaries with Brampton-Caledon; Brampton-Halton; Brampton-Mississauga. However, these issues have been previously dealt with through GC, with all members of Council around the table. A discussion at the subcommittee level does not add value.

Councillor Fennell suggested that bullet three of Clause 2.b, be removed from the report.

Councillor Saito supported the removal of bullet three of Clause 2.b, being struck from the terms of reference report. The Councillor further advised the members that the subcommittee was established out of a Planning issue, and the concept of a subcommittee to deal with specific Regional issues was not a new concept, and provided the Waste Management Subcommittee, among others, as examples.

Councillor Saito further explained that the Regional Official Plan (ROP) amendments were vetted through a small subcommittee, accomplishing more in 1 year then had been accomplished in 15 or 20 years. It was suggested that the small forum led to the eventual success of the ROP. Reports presented to GC are hindered by several factors such as loss of quorum and time constraints.

Further, the political perspective advances sensitive subject matters through GC and Council, as too many reports are not sent back to staff for further consultation. The terms of reference should be very clear as to what will be determined by the subcommittee.

Councillor Saito requested the Commissioner of Planning to define what is meant by "develop a coordinated Transportation Planning Work Plan with the Peel area municipalities;".

The Commissioner of Planning explained that the transportation plan defines a coordinated work plan and outlines the Region's and area municipal responsibilities, developed jointly by both levels.

Councillor Saito suggested that there might not be a need to meet once per month, however the proposed schedule allows subcommittee members to mark calendars as having a proposed meeting on the suggested dates.

Councillor Whitehead supported the subcommittee forum in dealing with specific issues. The subcommittee should be focused on planning issues and supported the mandate as outlined in the report. However, item 2.b, bullet one, the word "development" and the word "promote" under the third bullet should be changed to "review and recommend". Such a change has stood the test of time, in that this subcommittee will review and make recommendations to Regional Council.

Councillor Fennell advised members that the ROP Committee and the Emergency and Protective Services Subcommittee knew when their mandates had been achieved. The Councillor expressed concern that she was unable to determine when the Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee will achieve its mandate.

T. Mokrzycki requested clarification on the role of the subcommittee; will the subcommittee make recommendations or decisions?

Councillor Sinclair provided clarification; the subcommittee will recommend through its minutes to GC and subsequent approval by Regional Council. Staff will take their direction from the Council approved recommendation.

R. Maloney provided further support of the subcommittee forum and the success such committees have had in past.

N. Tunnacliffe offered further clarification of the subcommittee's role with such issues as an Official Plan Amendment (OPA). An OPA would be vetted through the subcommittee, unless legislation requires a separate process to be undertaken by Council. All other matters would be acted upon after subcommittee minutes have been ratified by GC and Council.

J. Marshall requested clarification on the second bullet point under clause 2b, specifically "provide direction…"; who does the subcommittee "provide direction" to?

Councillor Saito provided clarification; direction is provided to the staff of the technical advisory committee.

J. Marshall requested clarification on the report development process; are reports developed by Regional staff with concerns or reservations expressed at the subcommittee meeting by area municipal staff, or will all staff, area municipal and regional, develop a report outlining the harmonized position.

N. Tunnacliffe provided the required clarification; a harmonized position should be developed by all staff. Should staff be unable to develop such a position, the various opinions and positions would be presented to the subcommittee for consideration.

Councillor Sinclair moved the following, which was adopted:


That the terms of reference for the Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee, as outlined on page 4a-2, in the joint report of the Commissioner of Corporate Services and Regional Solicitor, and Commissioner of Planning dated February 27, 2002 be amended to read as follows:


Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee mandate is as follows:

  • to provide direction on inter-municipal planning issues, including matters relating to the Regional Official Plan (ROP) and in particular:

i) review and recommend a coordinated updated population, housing and employment projections to serve as the basis for the review of the development charges by-law and the urban boundary issue with the Peel area municipalities;

ii) review and recommend a coordinated Transportation Planning Work Plan with the Peel area municipalities;

iii) establish, direct and receive advice from a staff technical advisory groups for updated population, housing and employment projections and transportation planning.

  • Provide direction to staff on other inter-municipal planning initiatives of a significant nature, to be determined by the Regional Council.

Councillor Fennell moved the following, which was adopted:


That page 4a-2, clause 2b, bullet 3, which reads "Promote a harmonized position on inter-municipal planning issues, supported by staff from the Region and the three Peel area municipalities" as outlined in the joint report of the Commissioner of Corporate Services and Regional Solicitor, and Commissioner of Planning dated February 27, 2002 be struck from the terms of reference.

The following recommendation was adopted:

a. Terms of Reference for the Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee


That terms of reference as generally outlined in the joint report of the Commissioner of Corporate Services and Regional Solicitor, and Commissioner of Planning dated February 27, 2002, titled "Terms of Reference for the Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee" be approved as amended;

And further, that Corporate Policy Number G20-03 be amended to include the terms of reference for the Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee as amended.

b. Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee 2002 Meeting Schedule

Councillor Saito advised members that the August 6, 2002 meeting date conflicts with the City of Mississauga meeting schedule, and therefore should be removed from the proposed calendar.

Councillor Saito further requested that the staff report be amended to reflect that meetings be held on Tuesdays between 2:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on proposed dates as amended, and not once per month as suggested. Also, that Councillors and staff reserve the proposed dates in their calendars.

Councillor Fennell advised that her calendar would not allow her to meet on Tuesdays, yet she would be available on Thursdays at 8:00 a.m.

Councillor Sinclair reminded members that staff had reviewed the meeting schedules of the area municipalities and had determined that Tuesdays had been commonly open.

Councillor Saito reminded members that meetings scheduled on Thursday 8:00 a.m. have routinely run long, impacting GC and Council meetings commencing at 9:30 a.m. Also, Caledon Council meets on Mondays; Mississauga meets on Wednesdays; Conservation authorities meet on Fridays.

Councillor Saito reminded members that alternate Regional Council members can be sent in their place should they be unable to attend a subcommittee meeting. In an effort to ensure a Mississauga Councillor is in attendance, Councillor Saito and Councillor Prentice have coordinated their schedules to ensure that Mississauga is represented.

Councillor Bissell advised members that she was unable to attend most Tuesdays proposed. She will endeavour to speak with Councillor Palleschi to best determine his return date and availability to attend subcommittee meetings.

Councillor Sinclair suggested changing the meeting schedule to later in the afternoon.

Councillor Fennell was reluctant to commit Brampton staff to a meeting after 4:30 p.m. at the Region.

Councillors reviewed their calendars and a brief discussion with Councillor Whitehead, Chair of the Audit Subcommittee, was undertaken regarding subcommittee meeting dates.

The following recommendation was adopted:


That the Audit Subcommittee meeting scheduled April 18, 2002 be rescheduled to an alternate date and time;

And further, that the Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee meet on April 18; May 30 and June 20, 2002 at 1:00 p.m.

Councillor Fennell advised members that, for the record, that she will not be available to attend the April 18, 2002 meeting.

J. Marshall requested that should the subcommittee be unable to meet and approve a report, that staff present their reports directly to GC. Members of the subcommittee supported the routing of reports vetted by the staff technical advisory committee to GC. Also, staff are encouraged to utilize e-mails to advise subcommittee members of reports which are being routed directly to GC.

c. Terms of Reference for Hiring of a Facilitator to Assist in the Development of a Work Plan for the Regional Planning Department's Transportation Planning Division

Councillor Saito suggested that the subject report is premature. The subcommittee terms of reference give the responsibility of hiring a facilitator to the subcommittee. There should be a report outlining the need to hire a facilitator and a subsequent report recommendation outlining the terms of reference for the facilitator.

Councillor Saito recalled two staff members, one from the Region and one from Mississauga, not being able to effectively assist the other. Given the conflict between staff, a facilitator could assist in developing these working relationships.

Councillor Fennell moved the following:

"That a facilitator not be hired to assist in the development of a work plan for the Region's Transportation Planning Division;

And further, that the staff Technical Advisory Group work with the meet to develop the Transportation Planning Division's work plan."

Regional Chair Kolb agreed that there was enough expertise in-house to develop work plans, and should that not be the case, the subcommittee can recommend the hiring of a facilitator.

Councillor Bissell moved the following amendment:

"That the words 'at this time' be added to the motion immediately following 'not be hired'."

Staff present from the City of Mississauga, City of Brampton and Town of Caledon expressed the view that there is enough expertise in-house to address the work to be undertaken.

N. Tunnacliffe expressed the view that there was a lack of trust between the senior staff at the municipalities, also a facilitator which has experience in transportation planning from across North America can bring a perspective and advice to assist in the development of a Peel plan.

Councillor Sinclair expressed concern that the transportation staff at area municipalities have extensive knowledge to bring to the table. However, in viewing cordon counts within Peel, traffic was in good shape, but outside Peel, gridlock is evident. How are we to get the GTA wide perspective from within?

Councillor Sinclair requested a time limit be placed on the development of the work plans.

Councillor Fennell expressed the view that the staff technical advisory group can develop positions to advance a Peel position at the Smart Growth Panels. However, neither a facilitator, nor a time limit on the plan is required to insure the staff are working together, they are professionals. Facilitators may be needed to advance our position, not to assist our staff in working together.

Councillor Saito supported Councillor Fennell's views in that a time limit should not be assigned. Staff need time to work together. Staff can present the scope of time required in the development of the plan at the next meeting. The GTA perspective can be received through the staff technical advisory committee, as Bob Sasaki was key in the development of a GTA transportation strategy.

Bob Sasaki concurred and suggested that should additional resources be required, staff can make recommendation to the subcommittee.

Councillor Saito gave direction to staff to present a report outlining a time frame for work plan at the April 18, 2002 meeting.

Councillor Fennell moved the following:

"That the joint report of the Commissioner of Planning and Chief Administrative Officer and Acting Treasurer and Commissioner of Finance, dated February 20, 2002, titled 'Terms of Reference for Hiring of a Facilitator to Assist in the Development of a Work Plan for The Regional Planning Department's Transportation Planning Division' be received;

And further, that a facilitator not be hired to assist in the development of a work plan for the Region's Transportation Planning Division;

And further, that the staff Technical Advisory Group work with the facilitator to develop the Transportation Planning Division's work plan."

Councillor Bissell moved the following amendment:

"That the words 'at this time' be added to the motion immediately following 'not be hired'."

The following recommendation was adopted:


That the joint report of the Commissioner of Planning and Chief Administrative Officer and Acting Treasurer and Commissioner of Finance, dated February 20, 2002, titled "Terms of Reference for Hiring of a Facilitator to Assist in the Development of a Work Plan for The Regional Planning Department's Transportation Planning Division" be received;

And further, that a facilitator not be hired at this time to assist in the development of a work plan for the Region's Transportation Planning Division;

And further, that the staff Technical Advisory Group meet to develop a work plan.

Councillor Bissell departed at 3:20 p.m.

d. Terms of Reference for Population, Household and Employment Consulting Services to Prepare Inputs to the Regional Development Charges By-law Review

Councillor Saito expressed concern with approving the report not having read suggested amendments from the Cities and Town of Caledon. In light of the submissions from the cities and town, Councillor Saito suggested that the subject report be directed through GC to allow time for a review of the area municipal submissions.

Councillor Saito moved the following deferral, which was adopted:


That the report dated February 25, 2002, titled "Terms of Reference for Population, Household and Employment Consulting Services to Prepare Inputs to The Regional Development Charges By-Law Review" be deferred to March 28, 2002 Regional Council meeting.

Councillor Fennell moved the following referral, which was adopted:


That the City of Brampton letter dated March 6, 2002, titled "Comments on Draft report and Terms of Reference for Hiring of a Forecasting Consultant as Input to DC By-law Review - File P25RE be referred to staff;

And further, that the City of Mississauga letter dated March 6, 2002, titled" Draft Term of reference - Populations/Employment Forecasts for the Regional Development Charges By-law Review" be referred to staff;

And further, that the Town of Caledon article titled "Regional Municipality of Peel Development Charges Review Population and Employment Consulting Services - Terms of Reference" be referred to staff.




The next meeting date of the Inter-Municipal Planning Subcommittee is scheduled for April 18, 2002 at 1:00 p.m.

Please forward regrets to John Daly, Legislative Co-ordinator, 905-791-7800, extension 4502.



The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.