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What is Smart Commute Brampton-Caledon?

Smart Commute Brampton-Caledon is a Transportation Management Association (TMA) that will provide transportation options, programs and services to assist commuters in finding more convenient and less stressful means of traveling to and from work.

Smart Commute Brampton-Caledon was launched on June 14, 2005 and is working with employers to offer various commute programs and services. To ensure that we are meeting the needs of our employers, property owners/managers, employees etc., we have conducted a simple employer transportation survey in Brampton and Caledon. Please take the time to review our findings (pdf file 57 KB, 7 pages).

Transportation Management Associations (TMAs)

TMAs began to emerge around the world in the early 1980s as collections of public and private partnerships dedicated to achieving reductions in traffic congestion, improving mobility and air quality.

Today, over 150 TMAs are in operation, primarily throughout the United States, Canada and the Netherlands. TMAs exist as independent, non-profit organizations, that are funded by key stakeholders from the area. Our membership includes a variety of private sector businesses, management companies, developers and transportation professionals, as well as public agencies and local government entities.

TMA services may vary by organization, but they generally provide a wide range of transportation programs and incentives that are appropriate to their area. Specific programs target the reduction of single occupancy vehicle (SOV) travel, especially during peak hours. These programs may include:

  • Work with transit agencies to improve transit service
  • Organize carpool and vanpool services
  • Improve facilities to encourage walking and cycling
  • Encourage alternative work hour/compressed work week
  • Encourage telecommute
  • Provide Guaranteed Ride Home Program
  • Provide parking management solutions
  • Provide car sharing services
  • Encourage commuters to consider alternative transportation modes through marketing, education and promotion
  • Provide on-site transportation assessment

Why Should Anyone Join Smart Commute Brampton-Caledon?

Building and widening roads and providing better transit has a significant cost. We need to look at new ways to reduce demand on our roads, especially during peak hours when roads and transit are at their capacity. The need for managing congestion becomes especially clear when we look at the future growth in the GTA, Brampton, Caledon and Peel with the population expected to grow by more than 55% over the next 30 years.

The benefits include…

  • For employer/property owner & manager
    • Increased productivity
    • Better employee recruitment and retention
    • Reduced on-site parking demand
    • Reduced facility costs
    • Reduced office vacancy rate
    • Good public relations

  • For employee/individual
    • Reduced personal transportation costs & energy consumption
    • Better use of time
    • Better health
    • Improved safety

  • For the community
    • Reduced traffic congestion
    • Reduce or delay need for roadway expansion
    • Cleaner air
    • Improved health and wellness
    • Improved quality of life

If you wish to learn more about Smart Commute Brampton-Caledon, please contact:

Krista Eichenbaum
Program Manager
Phone: 905-598-4949
E-mail: krista@scbc.ca 

Mailing Address: 
Smart Commute Brampton-Caledon
Region of Peel
10 Peel Centre Dr., Suite A, 6th Floor
Brampton, ON L6T 4B9

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