Objectives Actions Tasks Barriers
Type / Category
Time Frame ODA Legislative Requirements
  1. To develop ability of all Regional staff to effectively and proactively identify and address accessibility barriers.
  1. Build an effective training and development program for staff.
  • Establish a training and development curriculum, including customized training modules and tools for specific operational needs.
Attitudinal and Information December 2007

11 (3) (b) (d)

  • Development of a comprehensive initiative (“Diversity, Access and Equity Strategy”) by the Health department to provide training and tools for program staff regarding accessibility
Attitudinal and Information Fall 2005 11 (3) (b) (d)
  • TransHelp in-house trainer will be reviewing all policies and procedures with current driver/operators, and will also be providing training to outside service providers (e.g. taxi companies).
Information and Policy/Practice 2005 11 (3) (b) (d)
  • Accessibility Planning Specialist scheduled to present to staff of all 11 directly-operated child care centres on accessibility.
Attitudinal and Information Fall 2005 11 (3) (b) (d)
  • Implement sensitivity training for Regional Council and the Executive Management Team.
** This will be included within the orientation session conducted for new Council members following each municipal election.
Attitudinal and Policy/Practice October 2005 (Completed)

March 2007

11 (3) (b) (d)
  1. Ensure ongoing internal communication on accessibility.
  • Develop and implement a corporate-wide communication and education strategy and implement strategy using Pathways to submit Accessibility Stories, Poll Questions, and Surveys.
Attitudinal On-going 11 (3) (b) (d)
  1. Develop specific accessibility standards and guidelines for publications.
  • Review existing publications and standards and provide recommendations.
Information On-going 11 (3) (b) (d)
  • Review the W3C (Website Accessibility Standards) and apply to Health department Website.
Information On-going 11 (3) (b) (d)
  • Review accessibility guidelines for publications related to Health department programs.
Information On-going 11 (3) (b) (d)
  • Health department planning to undertake an environmental scan of existing policies, guidelines and standards relating to accessibility within each division.
Information On-going 11 (3) (b) (d)
  • TransHelp currently reviewing the accessibility of newsletter and Website, including consideration of font size, colour, and language.
Information and Communication On-going 11 (3) (b) (d)
*Barrier column - The results of actions and tasks taken will result in the identification, removal and prevention of specific barriers
**ODA Legislative Requirements column - Where applicable, the legislative requirements relate to each of the actions.
Objectives Actions Tasks Barriers
Type / Category
Time Frame ODA Legislative Requirements
  1. To improve accessibility of municipal programs, services and facilities.
  1. Ensure effective process in place to integrate AAC advice.
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities of AAC and staff by developing AAC brochures and distributing them externally and internally.
Policy/Practice and Attitudinal On-going 11 (1) (b) (i)
12 (2) – (6)
  1. Strengthen organizational processes that will support accessibility.
  • Adopt CSA standards where available and applicable.
Policy/Practice December 2005 11 (2)
  • Public Works department developing accessible corporate standard for interior facility signage (increasing font sizes of signs, etc)
Policy/Practice On-going 11 (2)
  • Social Services department developing pilot project to explore the development of new accessible office space.
Physical 2006 11 (2)
  • The Employment Resource Centre at Peel Youth Village installing computers equipped with screen magnifier software for visitors with low vision, and telephones with TTY uni-phone access.
Communication 2005 11 (2)
  • Research and document departmental best practices and share with other departments.
Information Ongoing  
  • Recognize departmental and individual efforts to improve accessibility by awarding them annually and highlighting their achievements to encourage others.
  • Ensure accessibility plans incorporated into departmental Service Strategy Business Plans.
Policy/Practice On-going 11 (3) (d)
  • Ensure accessibility is integrated into human services component of Regional Official Plan renewal and any future amendments to the Regional Official Plan Strategic Update.
Policy/Practice On-going 11 (3) (d)
  • Ensure transportation needs of persons with disabilities included as a component in transportation demand study implementation.
Policy/Practice On-going 11 (3) (d)
  1. Ensure accessibility while organizing corporate events and meetings.
  • Create a checklist to support decision-making and publish on Pathways, the Regional intranet.
Policy/Practice On-going 11 (3) (d)
  1. Ensure effective process in place to address facility and architectural barriers.
  • Research and prepare guidelines and standards for site managers to assist in identifying barriers in existing and new facilities.
Policy/Practice and Architectural Fall 2005 11 (3) (d)
12 (4) – (6)
  • Social Services department planning to renovate space at the Valley Child Care Centre for a new Infant Therapeutic Nursery Program, which will be wheelchair accessible.
Architectural and Physical September 2005 11 (3) (d)
12 (4) – (6)
  • TransHelp working on ensuring all of the exterior doors to their building are accessible.
Physical On-going 11 (3) (d)
  • Review and advise on detailed plan for Joint Use Facility.
Architectural December 2006 12 (4) (a)
*Barrier column - The results of actions and tasks taken will result in the identification, removal and prevention of specific barriers
**ODA Legislative Requirements column - Where applicable, the legislative requirements relate to each of the actions.
Objectives Actions Tasks Barriers
Type / Category
Time Frame ODA Legislative Requirements
  1. To address policy issues and optimize advocacy efforts.
  1. Undertake policy development approach.
  • Develop a barrier free policy for the Region of Peel to address barrier removal and prevention.
Policy/Practice Fall 2005 11 (3) (d)
  1. Establish strong partnerships with other governments and organization.
  • Participate in existing networks.
Information and Communication On-going 11 (3) (d)
  • Establish a network of Peel professionals responsible for implementing ODA.
Policy/Practice   11 (3) (d)
  1. Pursue advocacy opportunities with the province.
  • TBD
*Barrier column - The results of actions and tasks taken will result in the identification, removal and prevention of specific barriers
**ODA Legislative Requirements column - Where applicable, the legislative requirements relate to each of the actions.
Objectives Actions Tasks Barriers
Type / Category
Time Frame ODA Legislative Requirements
  1. To build public awareness and knowledge of accessibility issues.
  1. Create opportunities for public involvement.
  • Post AAC agendas and minutes on external Website.
Information On-going 11(1)(b)(ii)
  • Host a community event/forum.
Information On-going 11(1)(b)(ii)
  • Develop approach to engage stakeholders in renewal of plan.
Information On-going 11(1)(b)(ii)
  • Social Services department (Children’s Services Division) is developing a survey to assess the accessibility of programs relating to special needs and physical accessibility, with the goal of creating an inventory of programs and services for parents and caregivers of children from birth to six years.
Information 2005 11 (4)
  • TransHelp is working with Communications Services to assess whether the public is interested in accessing their newsletter via the Website rather than through hard copies.
Information and Communication Initiated in 2005  
  1. Implement an external communication and education strategy.
  • Develop an external and internal communication Work Plan.
Information On-going 11(4)
  • Develop and maintain accessibility planning external Web page.
Information and Communication On-going 11(4)
  • Provide regular updates and news/information to media.
Information and Communication On-going 11(4)
*Barrier column - The results of actions and tasks taken will result in the identification, removal and prevention of specific barriers
**ODA Legislative Requirements column - Where applicable, the legislative requirements relate to each of the actions.