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  •  Region of Peel Accessibility Plan – September, 2009


    Appendix I

    1. Accessible Transportation: Family of Services (brokerage) Project:

    2. This project includes the development and implementation of a “family of services” model to deliver accessible transportation services to Peel, including:

      • Partnership with Brampton and Mississauga Transit to maximize use of their new accessibility features;
      • Continued TransHelp focus on personal physical disabilities/mobility impairment and a narrow transit mandate;
      • Creation of a new Accessible Transportation Coordination Office (for details, refer to Appendix III).

      Status and Accomplishments:

      Process and forms were developed for customers who are not eligible for TransHelp service. As part of this established process, the customer is referred by TransHelp to the Accessible Transportation Coordination Office and then assisted to obtain appropriate supports and services.

      Time Frame:

      In Progress.



      Project Sponsor:

      Environment, Transportation and Planning Services


      Transportation and Customer Service

    1. Accessibility Education Project

    2. Develop and implement an effective learning program for staff about accessibility to include awareness and sensitivity to accessibility issues, knowledge of accessibility policies and best practices. The learning program is designed to build capacity of staff to identify barriers and prevent barrier creation in relation to all types of disabilities including attitudinal and policy barriers. It would incorporate key messages into the Diversity Program as determined in consultation with the Accessibility Planning Specialist and Communication Services.

      Status and Accomplishments:

      To incorporate awareness and sensitivity to accessibility issues, knowledge of accessibility policies and best practices into a selection of current existing learning programs and events where appropriate, including staff orientation. Accessibility training plan will be developed to coincide with the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Project (refer to Project #10 AODA Compliance Projects).

      Time Frame:

      To begin project in second half of 2008 with implementation starting in 2009 and on-going.



      Project Sponsor:

      Employee and Business Services


      Customer Service and Information and Communication

    1. Accessible Procurement Project

      To review and revise existing purchasing by-law, policies and procedures to integrate accessibility review into the Region of Peel procurement process for goods and services.

      Status and Accomplishments:

      Procedures F35-01 and F35-32 have been updated to add accessibility review to all documents. All downloadable pdf format tender documents are also now available to the visually impaired as Portable Document Format (pdf) documents that can be read out loud by the Adobe Acrobat program.

      Time Frame:




      Project Sponsor:

      Employee and Business Services


      Customer Service and Information and Communication

    1. Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) Consultation Process for Building, Structures and Premises

      Develop and implement a process to seek advice from the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) regarding the accessibility of Regional buildings, structure or premises

      1. that the Region purchases, constructs or significantly renovates;
      2. for which the Region enters into a new lease; or
      3. that a person provides as municipal capital facilities under an agreement.

      The process must permit compliance with subsection 12(4) of the ODA including the process for seeking advice, incorporating the advice and resolving competing priorities. The project will also consider the use of standards for accessibility and which standards should apply.

      Status and Accomplishments of 4(a) and (c):

      • Review current timing for project planning process for budget and scope
      • Review list of upcoming projects and status
      • Consult with Facilities Construction and Real Estate and Leasing
      • Review land acquisition and leasing policies
      • Review process with AAC for input
      • Confirm applicability of standards
      • Develop process to resolve conflicting/competing priorities

      Time Frame:

      Phase I-Review of project planning and consultation with stakeholders and leasing (2009). Phase II-Proposal to AAC (2010). Phase III-Implementation (2011).

      Status and Accomplishments of 4(b):

      • Review Lease Acquisition Corporate Policy
      • Develop Lease Acquisition Protocol

      Time Frame:

      In progress.



      Project Sponsor:

      Employee and Business Services


      Built Environment

    1. Accessibility Policy Project

      Establish and communicate a Corporate Accessibility Policy. This policy will:

      • Articulate the goals and objectives of the Region in relation to improving accessibility for persons with disabilities.
      • Describe the types of disabilities and barriers that can occur in relation to participation in Regional government, the delivery of Regional programs and services and the ability of employees to carry out their work.
      • Identify processes, procedures and tools to assist the Region to reduce or prevent barriers.
      • Establish appropriate accountability at all levels of the organization for promoting and implementing the policy.

      Status and Accomplishments:

      Phase one of the project has been completed. The Region has adopted a Corporate Accessibility Policy G00-18. Accessibility training plan including delivery of training via e-learning, in class sessions, booklets and “Train the Trainers” method has been developed and is currently being deployed. An HRMS PeopleSoft report is also being prepared in support of reporting compliance. This project coincides with the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Project (refer to Project #2 )

      Time Frame:

      Expected completion date of this project is December 31, 2009.



      Project Sponsor:

      Corporate Services


      Accessible Customer Service

    1. Accessibility Plan Development and Approval Process Project

      Establish and document the process for the development and approval of the Region’s annual Accessibility Plan. This will include the roles and responsibilities of the Accessibility Planning Program, the Accessibility Planning Steering Committee, EMT, the AAC and Regional Council. It will be determined how this process relates to or is integrated with corporate planning.

      Status and Accomplishments:


      Time Frame:




      Project Sponsor:

      Corporate Services


      Accessible Customer Service and Information & Communication

    1. Barrier Identification and Reporting Process

      Review and revise the Barrier Identification and Tracking Tool (BITT) process and functionality and recommend modifications, including:

      • identification of appropriate staff roles and responsibilities within departments
      • improvements to the effectiveness of the process to identify barriers that affect employees, citizens, clients and customers during their interactions with the Region of Peel, and
      • improvements to the reporting and analysis of data obtained through the process.

      Status and Accomplishments:

      Project has yet to be initiated.

      Time Frame:

      Expected start date of project is February 2010



      Project Sponsor:

      Corporate Services


      Accessible Customer Service and Information & Communication

    1. Accessibility Integration Project

      As a part of the Corporate Planning Process Improvement project, establish policies, processes and accountability for integrating accessibility projects and barrier reduction into key planning processes such as the Strategic Plan, the Official Plan, Service Strategy Business Plans (SSBPs), technology plans and Budget

      Status and Accomplishments:

      Departments will be asked to develop accessibility strategies/tactics as part of the new Corporate Planning Process (CPP). The new CPP process is currently being developed.

      Time Frame:

      Expected start date of project is April 1, 2009



      Project Sponsor:

      Executive Office


      Accessible Customer Service, Information & Communication, Built Environment and Employment

    1. Emergency Evacuation Plan Coordination Project

      Establish an inventory of all Regional facilities that should have an emergency evacuation plan for staff and/or visitors, determine whether emergency evacuation plans that provide for the evacuation of persons with disabilities are in place for each and identify gaps, evaluate whether emergency evacuation procedures have been properly documented and implemented through signage, training and testing.

      Status and Accomplishments:

      Gap analysis of all CPM managed facilities re: physical environments (e.g. alarms, strobes, signage, etc.) and evacuation procedures for persons with disabilities. Analysis of Environment, Transportation and Planning Services, Long Term Care Centres, Peel Living, and Police facilities will be determined, as Employee and Business Services do not manage these facilities.

      Time Frame:

      Expected start date of project is October 1, 2009



      Project Sponsor:

      Employee and Business Services


      Information & Communication

    1. AODA Compliance Projects

      AODA compliance project is a collection of five projects affecting all Regional Departments. The five Accessibility Standards will be enacted through regulations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). As each standard comes into force, the AODA compliance project will coordinate interdepartmental initiatives to manage the compliance requirements efficiently. A coordinating role and mandate should also be established to utilize common approaches, shared lessons learned and track progress.

      Status and Accomplishments:

    • Project governance structure has been established.
    • First AODA Compliance project, Accessibility Standards for Customer Service is currently in progress with a targeted completion date of January 1, 2010.
    • Identification of divisional project managers for other compliance project is in progress.

    Time Frame:

    It will coincide with Regulations as they are passed to ensure compliance



    Project Sponsor:

    Corporate Services. Each divisional project will assign respective project sponsors.


    Accessible Customer Service, Transportation, Information and Communication, Employment, Built Environment.

    1. Print and Internet Communication Standards Project

      Develop and implement accessibility standards and guidelines for internal and external regional publications, intranet and internet sites

      Status and Accomplishments:

      Project has yet to be initiated.

      Time Frame:

      To be determined



      Project Sponsor:

      Employee and Business Services


      Information & Communication

    1. Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Review Project

      Conduct a review and report to Regional Council recommendations on modifications to the Terms of Reference for the Joint Peel-Caledon Accessibility Advisory Committee regarding mandate structure, reporting, term of office for members and any other appropriate matters.

      Status and Accomplishments:

      Project Charter reviewed with Sponsor on March 18, 2008. Terms of Reference presented at May 20, 2008 AAC Meeting for comment. Final presentation to AAC made at June 17, 2008 AAC Meeting for endorsement. Terms of Reference approved by Regional Council on July 3, 2008.

      Time Frame:




      Project Sponsor:

      Corporate Services


      Information & Communication

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