A by-law to amend By-law 9-73 being a by-law respecting the supply of water, the management and maintenance of the Waterworks System of the Regional Municipality and the establishment of water rates and charges, By-law 19-77 being a by-law to provide for imposing on and collecting from the owners or occupants of lands within the Regional Municipality of Peel a sewer charge to cover the cost of the establishment, construction, maintenance, operation and financing of the sanitary sewerage system of the Regional Municipality of Peel and By-law 43-2002, a by-law to impose fees for services and activities provided by the Regional Municipality of Peel or for the use of its property.

WHEREAS the Council of the Regional Corporation on the 31st December, 1973 enacted By-law 9-73 respecting the supply of water, the management and maintenance of the Waterworks System of the Regional Municipality and the establishment of water rates and charges;

AND WHEREAS By-law Number 19-77, as amended, was passed on the 24th February, 1977 respecting the imposition of a service charge to cover the cost of the establishment, construction, maintenance, operation and financing of the sanitary sewer system of the Regional Corporation;

AND WHEREAS the Council of The Regional Municipality of Peel ("Regional Corporation") on the 11th July 2002 passed By-law 43-2002 to impose fees for services and activities provided by the Regional Corporation, and for the use of its property;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Regional Corporation has by resolution adopted on October 10, 2002 authorized a by-law to amend By-law 9-73, By-law 19-77 and By-law 43-2002 with respect to the application of a penalty for late payment;

NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Regional Corporation enacts as follows:

1. That section 7.4 of By-law 9-73 is deleted and the following substituted therefor:

"7.4 Accounts are due when rendered and every consumer shall pay to the Regional Municipality on or before the due date shown on the water bill rendered to that consumer the full amount of the rates and charges shown thereon."

2. That Paragraph A of Subsection 3 of Section 2 of Schedule "A" to By-law Number 9-73, as amended, be repealed and the following substituted therefor:

"(a) If payment is not received by the twelfth working day after the due date, a penalty equal to two percent of the originally billed amount shall be added to the bill and become due and payable. "

3. That Sub-section 1 of Section 8 of By-law Number 19-77, as amended, is hereby repealed and that the following be substituted therefor:

"8(1) Accounts are due when rendered and every consumer shall pay to the Regional Municipality on the due date shown on the sewage bill rendered to that customer the full amount of the rates and charges shown thereon. The sewer charge determined under this By-law or by special agreement is to be added to the bill sent under subsection (2) Schedule "A: of "the Waterworks By-law" of the Regional Corporation."

4. That Sub-section 2 of Section 8 of By-law Number 19-77, as amended, is hereby repealed and that the following be substituted therefor:

"(2) Penalty for Late Payment

In the event that payment for charges applied under this Bylaw are not received by the twelfth working day after the specified due date for payment, the Commissioner of Finance may apply a penalty equal to two (2) percent of the originally billed amount for late payment."

5. That Sub-section 3 of Section 8 of By-law Number 19-77, as amended, is hereby repealed and that the following be substituted therefor:

"3) Notification of Non-Payment Where an account for sewer charge remains unpaid:

a) Eighteen (18) working days after the due date for payment, a notice of non-payment is to be sent by the Commissioner of Finance, or on his behalf, by ordinary prepaid mail, and

b) Twenty-eight (28) working days after the due date for payment, a final notice is to be sent by the Commissioner of Finance, or on his behalf, by ordinary prepaid mail advising that if any portion of the originally billed amount remains unpaid for ten (10) days after the mailing of such final notice,

i) the water may be turned off as set forth in paragraph a) of Sub-section 5 of this section, or

ii) the arrears may be collected in a manner deemed appropriate in the circumstances by the Commissioner of Finance."

6. That Paragraph A of Sub-section 5 of Section 8 of By-law Number 19-77, as amended, is hereby repealed and that the following be substituted therefor:

"a) Turning Off Water

The Commissioner of Finance may, on any bill remaining in arrears thirty-eight (38) working days after the due date for payment, cause the water to be shut off and not turned on again until payment is made of the full amount of the outstanding, and of a fee for turning on the water in an amount to be specified in "The Waterworks By-law" of the Regional Corporation.

7. That Section 4 of By-law Number 43-2002 be amended by the addition of sub-section 4 as follows:

(4) No such interest on late payments shall be applied to water and wastewater accounts that are subject to late payment penalties under By-laws 9-73 and 19-77 respectively.



B. Zeran

Regional Clerk

E. Kolb

Regional Chair