A by-law to establish the Interim Period Approvals Committee and to delegate to it Council’s authority to approve the expenditure of funds, the acquisition of goods and services and the execution of documents during a Council hiatus of more than 21 days.

WHEREAS there are occasional times when there is no regular meeting of Council scheduled for a period of more than 21 days after the date of the previously scheduled regular Council meeting (an “Interim Period”);

AND WHEREAS during Interim Periods staff of the Regional Corporation are authorized to exercise authority to ensure the continuity of conduct of the Regional Corporation’s business, which authority is limited by budgetary constraints imposed by the Financial Control By-law 45-2004;

AND WHEREAS Council deems it desirable to establish a Committee comprising adequate Council representation and to delegate to that Committee Council’s authority to approve the expenditure of funds, the acquisition of goods and services and the execution of documents including extra budgetary expenditures beyond the authority otherwise conferred upon staff of the Regional Corporation, during Interim Periods;

AND WHEREAS the Procedural By-law 57-2006 authorizes the establishment by Council of Committees at any time as is deemed necessary for the consideration of matters within Council’s jurisdiction;

AND WHEREAS Council is authorized by section 23.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, c.25 as amended to delegate its powers to a body including a Council Committee;

NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Regional Corporation enacts as follows:

  1. That in this By-law, “Interim Period” means a time during which there is no regular meeting of Council scheduled for a period of more than 21 days after the date of the previously scheduled regular Council meeting;

  2. That a Committee composed of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Management, Environment Transportation and Planning, Health and Human Services sections of the General Committee, and the Regional Chair, ex officio be established and known as the Interim Period Approvals Committee (the “Committee”);

  3. That Council’s authority to approve the expenditure of funds, the acquisition of goods and services and the execution of documents be delegated to the Interim Period Approvals Committee during Interim Periods;

  4. That the terms of reference for the Committee be as set out in Schedule “A” which is hereby enacted and forms part of this by-law.



C. Gravlev

Regional Clerk

S. McFadden

Acting Regional Chair


Schedule "A" to By-law 56-2008

Terms of Reference for the Interim Period Approvals Committee
Enacted Pursuant to By-law 56-2008


Purposes of the Committee:

To oversee and approve the expenditure of funds, the acquisition of goods and services and the execution of documents including extra budgetary expenditures beyond staff’s authority.

To provide assurance to the public that the continuity of conduct of regional business is administered in an efficient, effective and economical manner.


The Committee shall comprise of the Regional Chair (ex-officio), the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Management; Environment, Transportation and Planning; Health; and Human Services sections of General Committee.

Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

The Committee will elect from among its members a Chair and Vice-Chair, and this election shall be held at the first meeting of the Committee.

The Committee shall appoint a Vice-Chair who may act in the capacity of chair and exercise all the rights, powers and authorities of the Chair when the Chair is absent through illness or otherwise, or is absent from the office in course of his or her duties, or on vacation or on an approved leave.


A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

Term of Appointment

The term of appointment of the Committee will be for the remainder of the present term of Council.


Meetings will be scheduled at the call of the Chair of the Committee. A designate of the Regional Clerk will serve as the secretary to the Committee and provide administrative support.