Table of contents

Contents x

The Regional Municipality of Peel
By-law number 3-2023

A by-law to amend the Region of Peel Procedure By-law 27-2022, being a by-law to govern the calling, place and proceedings of the meetings of Council and its committees and the conduct of its members.

Whereas the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, section 238 provides that a municipality shall establish a procedure by-law to govern meetings;

And whereas, the Council of The Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Peel has enacted Procedure By-law 27-2022;

And whereas, the Council of the Regional Corporation has by resolution passed on the 8th day of December 2022 authorized the enactment of the by-law herein to amend By-law 27-2022;

Now therefore, the Council of the Regional Corporation enacts as follows:

1. That section 1.2 Definitions of By-law 27-2022 be amended by adding subsection as follows:

“Council Section Chair” means the person elected to preside over a Council Section during a Council meeting.

2. That section 1.2 Definitions of By-law 27-2022 be amended by adding subsection as follows:

“Council Section Vice-Chair” means the Vice-Chair of a Council Section who upon election by the members of Council, has the function of presiding over a portion of a Council meeting in the absence of the Council Section Chair.

3. That section 1.2 Definitions of By-law 27-2022 be amended by deleting subsection 1.2.10 and replacing it with the following;


“eligible to vote" means having as a member the right to vote at a meeting. At a meeting of Council every member present, including the Section Chair, has the right to one vote, other than the Regional Chair where the Regional Chair is not a Regional Councillor, except in the case where there is an equality of votes in which case the Regional Chair who is not a Regional Councillor shall have a vote (to break a tie). For greater clarity, where the Regional Chair is an elected Regional Councillor, the Chair shall only have one vote and shall not have any additional votes to break a tie. At any committee meeting every member present including the Presiding Officer and the Regional Chair (or the Chair’s Regional Vice-Chair delegate where applicable) has the right to vote.

4. That section 1.2 Definitions of By-law 27-2022 be amended by deleting subsection 1.2.23 and replacing it with the following;


“Presiding Officer” means the Regional Chair, the Council Section Chair, or the Committee Chair while they are presiding at a meeting, and such other person as may be authorized or appointed to preside at a meeting in their absence under the Rules of Procedure, or as provided in the committee’s Terms of Reference.

5. That the Part 2 header in By-law 27-2022, REGIONAL CHAIR, AND (WHERE APPLICABLE) REGIONAL VICE-CHAIRS, be deleted and the following substituted therefor;



6. That Part 2 of By-law 27-2022 be amended by adding section 2.4 as follows;




The initial term of Council Section Chairs and Vice-Chairs shall be 24 months, unless superseded by a resolution of Council. The second term of Council Section Chairs and Vice-Chairs shall be for the remainder of the term of Council, unless superseded by a resolution of Council.


The Council Section Chairs and Vice-Chairs shall be elected by members of Council, using the procedures as contained in Appendix 9 – Election of Council Section Chairs and Vice-Chairs Voting Procedures.


The election of Council Section Chairs and Vice-Chairs shall be conducted at a Council meeting after the Inaugural meeting; and, at the mid-term meeting closest to, but not after, 24 months after initial appointment of Section Chairs and Vice-Chairs.


A member shall only serve as a Chair or Vice-Chair of one section during a term of Council Section Chairs and Vice-Chairs.


If the position of Council Section Chair or Vice-Chair becomes vacant, Council shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy.


A Council Section Chair or Vice-Chair shall preside over their respective Council sections to receive and put to a vote all motions and resolutions presented by the members of Council and to announce the result.


A Council Section Chair or Vice-Chair will vote on all motions and resolutions even when they are presiding over an agenda section for their respective Council sections.

7. That section 2.1 General of By-law 27-2022 be amended by adding subsection 2.1.12 as follows:


The Regional Chair shall not be eligible to be a Council Section Chair or Vice-Chair but may preside in place of a Council Section Chair or Vice-Chair when both are absent from a meeting. The Regional Chair, when presiding as a Council Section Chair or Vice- Chair, shall have the same Regional Chair voting rights as provided in subsection 2.1.9 of Procedure By-law 27-2022.

8. That section 2.2 of By-law 27-2022 Duties of the Regional Chair be amended by deleting subsection 2.2.1.g. and replacing it with the following;


to receive and put to a vote all motions, resolutions and by-laws presented by the members of Council and to announce the result, when this function is not performed by a Council Section Chair or Vice-Chair;

9. That section 2.2 of By-law 27-2022 Duties of the Regional Chair be amended by adding subsection 2.2.1.i. as follows:


to call upon the Council Section Chair to preside over their respective Council section.

10. That Schedule ‘A’ as attached hereto, titled “Council Section Chairs and Vice-Chairs Voting Procedures” be added as Appendix 9 to Procedure By-law 27-2022;

11. That this By-law takes effect on the 12th day of January 2023.

READ THREE TIMES AND PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL this 12th day of January, 2023.

Aretha Adams
Regional Clerk

Nando Iannicca
Regional Chair