The Regional Municipality of Peel
By-law number 35-2020

A by-law to amend By-law 35-2015 titled the "Waste Collection By-law."

Whereas, the Council of the Regional Municipality of Peel ("Regional Corporation"), on June 25, 2015 enacted By-law 35-2015 respecting the collection of waste in the Region and the regulation of the Region's waste management system;

And whereas, on March 18, 2020 a Declaration of Emergency was made by the head of the Council of the Regional Corporation pursuant to section 4 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act related to COVID-19;

And whereas, the Council of the Regional Corporation has by resolution adopted on April 23, 2020, authorized the enactment of the by-law herein to amend By-law 35-2015;

Now therefore, the Council of the Regional Corporation enacts as follows:


By-law 35-2015 is amended by adding section 16.1.1 as follows:


  1. Notwithstanding any other provision in this By-law, the Commissioner of Public Works has the authority during a Declared Emergency to adjust waste management services, and to waive any requirement respecting the provision of waste management services, as the Commissioner may deem appropriate as a measure to effectively respond to the Declared Emergency;
  2. The amendments to By-law 35-2015 contained herein take effect commencing March 18, 2020.


The amendments to By-law 35-2015 contained herein take effect commencing March 18, 2020.

Read three times And passed in open Council this 23rd day of April, 2020.

K. Lockyer
Regional Clerk

N. Iannicca
Regional Chair