M I N U T E S GC-2001-5

The Regional General Committee met on May 3, 2001 at 9:37 a.m. in the Council Chambers, Regional Administrative Headquarters, 10 Peel Centre Dr., Brampton.

Members: L. Bissell¨, G. Carlson, C. Corbasson, F. Dale*¨, S. DiMarco*, S. Fennell¨, C. Gyles, C. Harker, N. Iannicca*¨, E. Kolb, K. Mahoney, H. McCallion, G. Miles¨, M. Morrison, P. Palleschi*, P. Saito*, I. Sinclair, R. Whitehead*
Members Absent: R. Begley due to other municipal business; C. Seglins due to other municipal business; P. Mullin due to other municipal business; M. Prentice due to other municipal business
Also Present: R. Maloney, Chief Administrative Officer; R. K. Gillespie, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Regional Solicitor; M. Zamojc, Commissioner of Public Works; Dr. D. McKeown, Medical Officer of Health; J. Pennachetti, Treasurer and Commissioner of Finance; D. Szwarc, Interim Commissioner of Social Services; P. Vezina, Commissioner of Social Services; K. Ward, Commissioner of Housing & Property and General Manager of Peel Living; N. Tunnacliffe, Commissioner of Planning; P. Vivian, Director of Human Resources; B. Zeran, Director of Clerk's and Regional Clerk; A. Macintyre, Legislative Co-ordinator, Legislative Services

Regional Chair E. Kolb presided.





That the agenda of the May 3, 2001 General Committee meeting be amended to include a discussion on the smoke-free by-law;

And further, that the agenda for the May 3, 2001 General Committee meeting be approved, as amended.


D1. John Johnson, Economist, Royal Bank of Canada Dominion Securities providing an Economic Outlook for Ontario and Peel


Councillor Dale arrived at 9:50 a.m.

Councillor Iannicca arrived at 9:55 a.m.

Councillor DiMarco arrived at 9:59 a.m.

Councillor Whitehead arrived at 10:05 a.m.

D2. Kim Doran, Chair, Peel Mental Health Housing Coalition, Brian Johnston, Vice-Chair and Susan Barrington, Past Chair, Peel Mental Health Housing Coalition regarding Housing for the Mentally Ill and Homeless Persons in the Region of Peel


D3. Tina Guilbeault, Managing Director, Brain Injury Association of Peel and Halton (BIAPH) providing information on Activities Planned to Promote Brain Injury Awareness


D4. Brendan Arbuckle, Resident regarding Implementation of the Weekly Grey/Blue Box Program


The Commissioner of Public Works was requested to provide a written response to Mr. Arbuckle's concerns.

Councillor Saito arrived at 11:09 a.m.

D5. Nick Tunnacliffe, Commissioner of Planning, and Stephen Garrod, Turkstra, Mazza regarding Town of Caledon Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 161/124 Progress Report



The meeting recessed at 12:01 p.m.

The meeting reconvened at 12:40 p.m.


Members: L. Bissell, G. Carlson, C. Corbasson, F. Dale¨, S. DiMarco, S. Fennell¨, C. Gyles, C. Harker, N. Iannicca¨, E. Kolb, K. Mahoney, H. McCallion, G. Miles¨, M. Morrison, P. Palleschi, P. Saito, I. Sinclair, R. Whitehead
Members Absent: R. Begley due to other municipal business; C. Seglins due to other municipal business; P. Mullin due to other municipal business; M. Prentice due to other municipal business



Chaired by Regional Chair E. Kolb


H1. Homesharing Options for Older Adults in Peel


That the Commissioner of Housing and Property submit the report entitled "Homesharing Options for Older Adults in Peel" to the Advisory Working Group (AWG) on Older Adults' Housing in Peel;

And further, that the AWG be requested to continue the research and consider homesharing as part of its strategic plan and work plan.

The Commissioner of Housing was directed to examine the impact that homesharing will have on basement apartments and parking.

H2. Peel Regional Housing Corporation (PRHC) Board of Directors


That Council authorize the replacement of the existing Peel Regional Housing Corporation (PRHC) Board of Directors with a new Membership, comprised of the Members of the Peel Living Board of Directors;

And further, that Council direct that the last meeting of the current PRHC Board of Directors shall be May 23, 2001 and the first meeting of the new Board of Directors shall be June 14, 2001;

And further, that the Commissioner of Housing and Property be authorized to provide appropriate recognition in conveying the thanks of Council to the departing Board members to the May 23, 2001 meeting;

And further, that all documents relating to or required to complete this change be executed by the Regional Corporation's duly authorized signing officers.


H3. Chegoggin Co-operative Homes Inc. Board of Directors expressing their Frustration with the Lack of New Affordable Housing



Chaired by Vice-Chair Councillor K. Mahoney


Children's Services

HS1. Access to Child Care Subsidies in Recreational Programs for School Age Children



Communicable Diseases

HS2. Immunization in Licensed Child Care Facilities


Family Health

HS3. Early Years Community Project - Additional Funding


Councillor Iannicca departed at 12:51 p.m.

Long-Term Care

HS4. Minutes of the Long-Term Care Subcommittee Meeting held April 12, 2001

1. Declarations of Conflicts of Interest

2. Approval of Agenda


That the agenda for the April 12, 2001, Long-Term Care Subcommittee meeting be approved.

3. Election of Chair and Vice Chair


That Councillor Begley be appointed as Chair of the Long-Term Care Subcommittee for a term ending November 30, 2003;

And further, that Councillor Mahoney be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Long-Term Care Subcommittee for a term ending November 30, 2003.

4. Introductions by Paul Vezina, Commissioner of Social Services


5. Terms of Reference for Long-Term Care Subcommittee

Referred to the General Committee Meeting Scheduled for May 3, 2001

See also Item HS5

6. Presentations

a) Project Architects and Representatives of the Planning Committee with Respect to the Design of the Two New Long-Term Care Facilities (45 minutes)


The Project Architects were requested to investigate the feasibility of relocating the Brampton site's entrance so as not to be situated in a northern direction to provide for better exposure to the benefits of weather by the residents. The Architects were also requested to provide cost estimates with respect to adding a third storey to the entrance areas of both sites.

b) Judy Heffern, Director, Senior Services - Upcoming Issues Related to Hiring Strategy, Labour and Site Visits (Oral)


c) Peter Graham, Commissioner of Health regarding the Health Department Reorganization (Oral)


7. Communications

8. Next Meeting - Long-Term Care Subcommittee

To be determined

HS5. Terms of Reference for the Long-Term Care Subcommittee


That the terms of reference for the Long-Term Care Subcommittee, as outlined in the report of the Commissioners of Social Services and Health, dated March 22, 2001 titled "Terms of Reference for the Long-Term Care Subcommittee" be approved;

And further, that Councillor Carlson and Councillor Miles be added to the membership of the Long-Term Care Subcommittee.

See also Item HS4

Additional item

HS6. Smoking By-law (Oral)


That the Medical Officer of Health (MOH) prepare a report regarding the authority of enforcing the smoking by-law;

And further, that the MOH report on the proposed response time of staff to restaurants and bars;

And further, that the MOH report back on the proposed strategy of confirming the age of patrons in restaurants and bars;

And further, that the subject report be brought back to the May 10, 2001 Regional Council meeting;

And further, that Council send a further letter to the Provincial Minister of Health restating the need to legislate a province-wide smoking ban.

The Medical Officer of Health (MOH) was requested to share copies of the information provided by Jeffrey Wigand to members of Council. Councillor McCallion requested that she be provided with copies of all previous information on the smoke-free issue that was provided to Regional Council.

Councillor Fennell departed at 1:05 p.m.

Councillor Miles departed at 1:22 p.m.

Councillor Dale departed at 1:40 p.m.


Chaired by Councillor M. Morrison

The Commissioner of Public Works introduced Andrew Pollock, the new Director of Waste Management.


PW1. Managed Competition Grass Cutting and Garbage Pick-up


That Maintenance Operations staff from the Regional Municipality of Peel continue to cut grass and pick-up garbage under the terms and conditions set out in the tender document 2001-027T, for a minimum period of three (3) years, at a total cost of $422,827.26;

And further, that authorities be given to increase/extend this contract for similar requirements for this and subsequent periods, where the actual annual or seasonal requirements exceeds the estimates to the limit allowed by the current budgeting process.

Councillor McCallion requested details on the tendering process including the evaluation criteria and a cost analysis.

Engineering and Construction

PW2. Local Improvement Sanitary Sewer Bianco Lane Extension, Project 01-2030 - City of Mississauga, Ward 5


That a 250 mm (10 inch) diameter sanitary sewer be extended within an existing service easement, from the end of Bianco Lane to House 7155 Hurontario Street, a total distance of approximately 90 metres (295 feet), at a total estimated cost of $65,000, under Project 01-2030;

And further, that the amount of $31,580 be allocated from the 2001 Capital Budget Item 01-2000, to be financed from the Capital Financing Stabilization Reserve;

And further, that debentures in the amount of $33,420 be issued to the Utility Rate Stabilization Reserve to finance the property owners' portion of the total costs;

And further, that these actions will not affect the Region's debt capacity, as this type of financing is considered "self-liquidating" by the Province of Ontario;

And further, that a portion of these works, based on the current Regional Council approved flat rate charge of $215 per metre ($65.53 per foot) and a connection fee of $1,550 per residential lot or $1,850 per commercial lot, be assessed annually against the abutting property owners for fifteen (15) years, including an interest rate which shall be determined at the time of the passing of a by-law to authorize the issuance of debentures;

And further, that the property owners be given an opportunity to commute the special assessment by advance payment at any time during the fifteen (15) year period;

And further, that the necessary by-law be presented to Council authorizing the undertaking on the works and the imposition of a sanitary sewer frontage rate and connection charge under the "Local Improvement Act".

PW3. Proposed Watermain and Sewer Replacement on Mavis Road at the Proposed Rail Road Grade Separation, Projects 01-1430 and 01-2310 - City of Mississauga, Wards 6 and 7


That approximately 750 metres (2,460 feet) of 300mm (12 inch) diameter watermain be relocated on Mavis Road in conjunction with the City of Mississauga's construction of a rail grade separation across Mavis Road, between Dundas Street and Burnhamthorpe Road, under Project 01-1430;

And further, that the Region contribute $250,000 to the City of Mississauga for the watermain relocation, as in accordance with the "Public Service Works on Highway Act";

And further, that the necessary funds for Project 01-1430, be allocated from the 2001 Capital Budget Item 01-1000, to be financed by the Capital Financing Stabilization Reserve;

And further, that approximately 400 metres (1,300 feet) of 375mm (15 inch) diameter sanitary sewer on Mavis Road be relocated in conjunction with the subject rail grade separation across Mavis Road, under Project 01-2310;

And further, that the Region contribute $200,000 to the City of Mississauga for the sanitary sewer relocation, as in accordance with the "Public Service Works on Highway Act";

And further, that the necessary funds for Project 01-2310, be allocated from the 2001 Capital Budget Item 01-2000, to be financed from the Capital Financing Stabilization Reserve;

And further, that the required documents be executed by the Region's duly authorized signing officers.

PW4. Proposed Watermain Replacement on Edgemont Drive, Project 01-1380 - City of Brampton, Ward 1


That the existing 150mm (6 inch) diameter watermain on Edgemont Drive, from McCulla Avenue to Kennedy Road, be replaced under Project 01-1380;

And further, that the necessary funds, estimated in the amount of $135,000, be provided from Capital Budget Item 01-1000, to be financed from the Capital Financing Stabilization Reserve.

PW5. Proposed Watermain Replacement, Hurontario Street South of Caledon Village, Project 01-1355 - Town of Caledon, Ward 1


That a 300 mm (12 inch) diameter watermain be constructed on Hurontario Street, from the south limit of the Village of Caledon to Regional Well 3, a total distance of approximately 975 metres (3,200 feet), at a total estimated cost of $440,000, under Project 01-1355;

And further, that the funding in the amount of $440,000 be provided from the 2001 Capital Budget Item 01-1000 to be financed as follows:

Capital Financing Stabilization Reserve $141,000
External Recoveries (MTO) $299,000
Total Project Funding $440,000

And further, that upon completion of the works, a share of the costs for the project, estimated in the amount of $299,000, be recovered from the Ministry of Transportation in accordance with the "MTO's Cost Sharing Policy";

And further, that the required documents be executed by the Region's duly authorized signing officers.

Operations and Maintenance

PW6. Request For Proposal Winter Control Services - Route and Operations Optimization Analysis

Referred to the May 10, 2001 Regional Council Meeting

PW7. Petition For Check Valve Installation Wiseman Court, Bray Court, Nigel Court, Epton Crescent, Lewisham Drive, Ludbrook Court - City of Mississauga

Councillor McCallion questioned and expressed concern that check valves are not being installed concurrently with the downspout disconnection program as an interim solution to prevent basement flooding.


That the Commissioner of Public Works prepare a progress report on the downspout disconnections in the Park Royal area including costs analysis, check valves, sump pumps and possible flooding situations and report back to Regional Council.

Water and Wastewater Treatment

PW8. South Peel Roof Repair and Replacement Program, Projects 00-1905 and 00-2905, Document 2001-057P - Cities of Brampton and Mississauga


That the manufacturing and roofing services firm, Tremco Canada be retained to provide design, construction, contract administration and long term warranty services for the replacement, restoration and repairs to roof systems at the Lakeview WPCP, Lakeview WTP, Clarkson WPCP, Streetsville PS, North Brampton PS, Beckett Sproule PS, Hanlan PS, Meadowvale North PS, East Brampton PS, Herridge PS and Silverthorn PS at a total estimated cost of $1,133,608 to be distributed under Project 00-1905 and 00-2905.

Waste Management

PW9. Community Recycling Centre Services


The presentation originally listed on the May 3, 2001 agenda was referred to the May 10, 2001 Regional Council meeting.

The Commissioner of Public Works was requested to:

a) look into the possibility of extending the hours of operation one night a week at the Recycling Centres;
b) ensure members of Council receive prior notice and details of major Public Works related events;
c) review and simplify the Wasteline voice messaging system.


PW10. Susan Lathan, Deputy Clerk, Regional Municipality of Halton regarding Highway 7 Role and Function Study


PW11. Elizabeth Witmer, MPP, Minister of the Environment regarding the Government of Ontario's Position on Provincial Waste Disposal Solution to Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Municipalities



Chaired by Councillor R. Whitehead



M1. Regional Representation on the William Osler Health Centre


That Councillor DiMarco be appointed to serve on the William Osler Health Centre Board of Directors for the term commencing on June, 2001 and ending on the date of the Health Centre's Annual General Meeting in 2002, or until a successor is appointed by Regional Council.

Ambulance and Emergency Programs

M2. Emergency Preparedness Week


WHEREAS each year thousand of Canadians are affected by emergencies;

AND WHEREAS these situations have an abnormal impact on life, health and property;

AND WHEREAS people are often totally unprepared and left helpless in the face of such events;

AND WHEREAS the Region of Peel has undertaken a full review of its Emergency Measures Plan and departmental sub-plans;

AND WHEREAS the Region of Peel is collaborating with local area municipal emergency planning offices and other community agencies to ensure that the safety and well-being of the residents of Peel Region is safeguarded in the event of a serious emergency or disaster;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the week of May 7 - 13, 2001 be proclaimed EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS WEEK in the Regional Municipality of Peel.


Internal Audit

M3. Minutes of the Audit Subcommittee Meeting held April 19, 2001




That Councillor Whitehead be appointed as Chair of the Audit Subcommittee for a term ending June 30, 2002;

And further, that Councillor Miles be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Audit Subcommittee for a term ending June 30, 2002.



That the agenda for the April 19, 2001, Audit Subcommittee meeting be approved.


a) September 14, 2000 Audit Subcommittee Minutes


b) KPMG External Audit Workplan for 2000


c) 2000 Audited Financial Statements


d) KPMG External Audit Management Letter 2000



That staff report back to the Audit Subcommittee on the progress and implementation of solutions identified in the 2000 External Audit Management Letter.

e) Standards and Code of Ethics for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing



That staff conduct a periodic review of the Region's compliance with the Standards and Codes of Ethics for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, as identified in the report of the Director of Internal Audit, dated March 30, 2001 and titled "Standards and Code of Ethics for the Professional Practices of Internal Auditing".

f) Review of Public Works and Purchasing Procurement Practices


g) VISA Purchasing Card Audit (Region of Peel and Peel Regional Police)


h) Audit of Treasury Services


i) Social Services Community Programs Funding


j) Appointment of External Auditors


That Recommendation ASC-5-2001 of the April 19, 2001 Audit Subcommittee be amended to read:

"That KPMG be re-appointed as external auditor for a one-year period (2001), subject to performance reviews conducted by the Audit Subcommittee;

And further, that compensation to KPMG be in the amount of $99,600 for the 2001 fiscal year;

And further, that a RFP process be undertaken to retain external auditors for 2002 and beyond;

And further, that the necessary by-law be presented to Regional Council."


a) Internal Audits in Progress
Remarks by L. Hawes, Director, Internal Audit



That staff determine three dates during the remainder of 2001 for meetings of the Audit Subcommittee.


Finance staff committed to briefing Councillor Corbasson, a newly appointed member of the Audit Subcommittee, on the results of the audits contained in the April 19, 2001 agenda of the Audit Subcommittee.

Councillor Bissell departed at 2:00 p.m.

Controller's Division

M4. Credit Rating Update


Information Technology Services

M5. Integrated Planning and Financial System (IPFS) Software Implementation - Contract Resources


That the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to extend consulting contracts currently established with FFC Consulting Incorporated, Modis International, and W5 Resources Incorporated, as required for the purpose of completing Stage 1 of the Integrated Planning and Financial System (IPFS) project;

And further, that a contract extension of $550,000 be funded from the existing IPFS 2000 Capital Budget (Project 00-7608);

And further, that any required documents be executed by the Regional Corporation's duly authorized signing officers.


M6. Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, York Region regarding the Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB) Review


M7. Frederick Biro, Executive Director, Peel Police Services Board (PPSB) regarding the Communication of Police Activities to City and Regional Councillors


M8. Frederick Biro, Executive Director, Peel Police Services Board (PPSB) regarding Photo Radar Resource Issues


M9. James M. Flaherty, MPP, Minister of Finance regarding Decisions the Province has made Relating to Property Taxation


M10. Steve Shaw, Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Communications, Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) regarding GTAA By-laws and the GTAA's Code of Conduct


M11. Elizabeth A. McLaren, Acting Executive Director, Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB) regarding the Appointment of Alternates for the GTSB


That a list of Regional and Area Municipal Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB) alternates be completed and presented to the May 10, 2001 Regional Council meeting to consider a possible replacement for Councillor DiMarco as the Chair's alternate on the GTSB for the remainder of 2001, due to her existing situation whereby she is both the Regional and City of Brampton alternate for 2001.


Chaired by Councillor P. Saito

Development Review and Transportation Planning

P1. GTA Regional Planners Group Terms of Reference and Action Plan

Deferred to the next General Committee Meeting

P2. The Oak Ridges Moraine - Proposals for the Protection and Management of a Unique Landscape

Deferred to the May 10, 2001 Regional Council Meeting

P3. Agreement with the Ministry of Transportation on the Williams Parkway/Highway 410 Car Pool Lot


That the Region of Peel enter into an agreement with the Ministry of Transportation for placing car pool lot signs on Highway 410 and at the parking lot entrance as falls within the jurisdictional limits of the King's Highway 410;

And further, that all costs associated with the operation, use and repair of the car pool lot will be the responsibility of the Region;

And further, that the Region indemnify and save the Ministry harmless against any liabilities, injury, damages, claims, suits, and actions arising due to the obligations of operating this car pool lot;

And further, that the required documents be executed by the Regional Corporation and authorized by its signing officer.


P4. Transport Canada advising of the Safeguarding of Environmentally Sensitive Areas, such as the Northern Portion of the Pickering Lands Falling on the Oak Ridges Moraine


See also Item P5

P5. Transport Canada regarding the Federal Government's Announcement on the Agreement to Continue Operations at the Buttonville Airport to Address Air Transportation Needs in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA)


See also Item P4

P6. Pauline Chadwick, Executive Assistant, GO Transit advising of their Support for an Airport Rail Link


Chaired by Regional Chair E. Kolb

F1. A proposed or pending acquisition of land for municipal purposes

Additional Item

Delegations to Regional Council and General Committee Meetings (Oral)


That the Regional Chair be authorized to use his discretion in allowing placement of "for information" delegations at Regional Council in order to balance out agenda items.

Additional Item

General Committee and Regional Council Meetings Attendance (Oral)


That the Regional Clerk report on the current General Committee/Council process in accordance with comments expressed at the May 3, 2001 General Committee meeting concerning quorum at meetings and the length of meetings.

Additional Item

Status of the May 24, 2001 General Committee Meeting (Oral)

Members of Council were notified of a possible schedule conflict between the Federal Canadian Municipalities (FCM) conference and the May 24, 2001 General Committee meeting. Clerk's staff were directed to poll members of Council to determine attendance at the May 24, 2001 General Committee meeting.


The meeting adjourned at 3:13 p.m.