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Peel Region

Changes to housing subsidy for tenants

If you’re receiving a housing subsidy, the amount of money you pay for rent is based on your household income.

This is also known as Rent-Geared-to-Income (RGI) subsidy.

How much rent you pay and what is required to maintain your eligibility for housing subsidy is set by the Ontario government through the Housing Services Act, 2011.

As the Service Manager, the Region manages the housing subsidy on behalf of the Ontario government.

As of July 1, 2020, the minimum rent amount was increased for all RGI tenants and will continue to go up every year. This means:

If you’re a client of Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program, these changes will not affect your RGI rent.

New eligibility criteria

As of July 1, 2021, you and everyone in your unit will be required to file your taxes and submit your Notice of Assessments and T1 General forms at your annual review every year. Filing your taxes are now mandatory to keep your housing subsidy.

If you have any questions, contact your current representative.