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Peel Region

Housing policies overview

Providing a mix of housing options that meets diverse needs so that people can live in the community of their choice.

Forming housing policies

Housing policies were developed based on Provincial direction in the Planning Act, Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, Growth Plan, 2019, and other legislation. Housing policies are informed by the Peel Housing Strategy (2018) and the Peel Housing and Homelessness Plan.


Peel-wide new housing unit targets

Target Area Target
Affordability That 30% of all new housing units are affordable housing, of which 50% of all affordable housing units are encouraged to be affordable to low income households
Rental That 25% of all new housing units are rental tenure
Density That 50% of all new housing units are in forms other than detached and semi-detached houses

Note: These targets are outlined in Table 4 of the new Region of Peel Official Plan and are based on need as determined through the Peel Housing and Homelessness Plan and the Regional Housing Strategy.

Developments of 50 housing units or more must prepare a Housing Assessment that:

Inclusionary Zoning (IZ): Securing Affordable Housing in New Developments in Major Transit Station Areas

Direct local municipalities to implement IZ through zoning by-laws that prioritize on-site units and:

IZ Implementation (working with local municipalities)
