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Peel Region

Advance notice watermain replacement and improvement

Laddie Crescent Project 19-1310 B1

Advance notice of watermain construction

The Region of Peel had anticipated replacing the watermain on your street starting in mid to late 2019. However, we are continuing to finalize our design and now don’t expect starting construction before the Spring of 2020.

As communicated to you in our previous Public Notice, you may wish to delay any major landscaping or driveway works you may have planned until after we have finished the work.

In the meantime, you may continue to notice pre-construction activities in your neighbourhood such as:

Keeping you informed

We are currently in the final design stages.

We will deliver more detailed information to your home closer to the proposed construction date.

If you would like to speak with us about this work, please contact:

Sean Ballaro, Project Manager
905-791-7800 ext. 7917

Email questions or comments