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Peel Region

Road safety

We’re improving road safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers.

Road safety is up to everyone

Follow these tips to stay safe:

  • Pedestrians, stop, look and listen before walking across a road
  • Cyclists, watch for and obey all traffic signs and signals
  • Drivers, look for pedestrians and cyclists when turning left or right

Slow down when driving

The Region of Peel’s “Don’t Speed” campaign aims at encouraging citizens to think more about their driving behaviour.

When a driver chooses to drive any amount over the posted speed limit, they are endangering not only their own safety but that of other road users. Controlling vehicle speed can prevent collisions from happening and can reduce the impact when they do happen by giving people more time to stop.

The Region is working with local municipalities, community groups, agencies and partner organizations and other local partners like Peel Regional Police to implement Vision Zero principles into its road safety initiatives and help change people's perceptions of speeding and remind them that slowing down can reduce injuries and collisions on Peel roadways and save lives.

A number of Regional road design measures have been implemented in addition to speed limit reviews such as, expansion of the red light camera program, Automated Speed Enforcement, electronic radar speed signs, radar speed trailers and traffic calming signs in the centre of the two-lane roadways to narrow the roadway.

Driver safety tips

Vision Zero

Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and injuries while increasing mobility and safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers. Our emphasis is on intersections, cyclists, pedestrians, aggressive driving, distracted driving, and impaired driving.

Ask the Experts videos

William Toy on the importance of Vision Zero and ways we can make our roads safer.

Seema Ansari on things we need to know when on the road as a driver, pedestrian, and cyclist.

Grace Mulcahy on how road safety is everyone’s responsibility.