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Peel Region

Water meter replacement program

Peel Region replaces meters that are 20 years or older.

Peel Region conducts a rigorous testing program that follows standards and guidelines set out by the American Water Works Association.

This program is continuous and ensures that Peel Region’s water meters are operating within industry best practices and standards. The program uses a combination of infield and laboratory testing depending on the age, size, and type of individual water meters.

The ongoing maintenance of Peel Region’s water meter system includes replacing meters that are 20 years or older. This program ensures Peel Region’s meters are working properly and we provide timely and accurate bills. As well, annual replacements allow Peel Region to modernize meters with the latest technology.

Peel Region contracts Neptune Technology Group to complete meter replacements on our behalf. If you receive a letter from Neptune, your neighbourhood is scheduled for a meter replacement.

Please note: Neptune’s meter installers are uniformed and carry ID. Neptune employees will not ask to see your hot water tank, water filtration system, or conduct water testing.

If you have questions or concerns, please call 905-791-7800, ext. 3226.