Highlights of Selected Accessibility Initiatives July 2009 – June 2010

2. Accessible Transportation Service Update

The Region of Peel continues to expand and enhance the availability of accessible transportation options for people with disabilities living in Peel Region. In late 2009, the section formerly known as the Accessible Transportation Coordination Office (ATCO), merged with TransHelp to form the new section now known as Accessible Transportation. The section operates under the Public Works Transportation Division. The TransHelp Advisory Committee (TAC) is also changing to the Accessible Transportation Advisory Committee (ATAC) to ensure all new programs and services are reviewed as part of its ongoing mandate.

Under the new group, staff are now collaborating and working towards creating a ‘family of services’ model of accessible transportation. The model allows for the development and implementation of new leading edge transportation supports and services for residents of Peel with all types of disabilities. The model allows for maximizing the usage of available resources.

Over the past year, various pilot programs have been initiated and are currently being assessed and evaluated for effectiveness. The pilot programs include a Passenger Assistant Program and a Taxi Scrip Program, both of which have been popular and are creating additional options for people who depend on accessible transportation options to participate actively in the community.

Demand for TransHelp service continues to grow at unprecedented levels, creating opportunities to look at improvements and efficiencies as a way of ensuring the service remains sustainable for those needing reliable door to door service now and into the future. With the increasing demand for accessible transit services, Accessible Transportation will be looking to forge new partnership with various community agencies, including the Local Health Integration Networks (LHIN) serving the Peel communities. The goal will be to develop and deliver effective and client-focused programs and services.

Various initiatives are currently underway to improve TransHelp service even more. These include the following:

  • Computer Aided Dispatch/Automatic Vehicle Locator (CAD/AVL) technology. This will allow for greater flexibility in accommodating same day service requests and last minute schedule changes.
  • Online Booking System to allow more flexibility and convenience for clients to book and plan their TransHelp trips.
  • Complaints/Feedback System that will streamline the method in which complaints and feedback are recorded, tracked, and resolved. For the client, it will mean feedback will be taken seriously and used to make improvements to the overall service.
  • New Low Floor Bus Design is being introduced as part of the TransHelp bus replacement program. The new design will eliminate the need for wheelchair clients to ride on lifts and will provide a much smoother, quieter ride.

Accessible Transportation is committed to ensuring customer satisfaction and the delivery of client-centred programs and services that make a real difference in the lives of those who depend on them. The Region will continue to support and actively participate in social and community events such as the Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion event; Peel Association for Handicapped Adults (PAHA) fundraising activities; the Peel Children’s Water Festival and the Carassauga Cultural Festival, to name a few.

TransHelp received an accessibility award for its progressive policy initiatives related to cross-border transportation for people with disabilities. The award was presented at the Region of Peel’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) celebration in December 2009. The award highlights progress made by TransHelp to ensure clients who depend on specialized transit services are able to cross borders to attend employment, education and medical appointments.

AAC 2009 Certificate of Recognition – Accessible Transportation Team
AAC 2009 Certificate of Recognition
Accessible Transportation Team

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Revised: Friday February 17 2023