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Peel Region

Health and safety

Infection prevention and control, and other safety measures to protect our Peel Long Term Care residents, staff, and visitors.

Our safety practices ensure medication safety, minimize risk and provide a secure environment for our residents. For example, all our centres have enclosed outdoor spaces where residents can safely enjoy horticultural activities or relax, weather permitting.

Infection prevention and control

Infection prevention and control are vital in a long-term care environment.

Each Peel Long Term Care centre has an Infection Control Lead on staff who works closely with Peel Public Health. This person ensures that the highest standards of infection control are met, and that employees, residents and visitors practice all the recommended actions for preventing infection.

Regular education is provided to staff about hand hygiene, the use of personal protective equipment, and other infection prevention and control measures to limit the spread of infection.

Our homes also have hand sanitizers in several common areas for everyone to use.

Other information

All visitors to our centre will be provided with a copy of our Visitor Policy. Visitors are expected to comply with all infection prevention and control measures and other instructions outlined in this policy. Access the Visitor Policy.

Visitors who are experiencing any respiratory symptoms are advised to stay at home and follow public health or their health care provider advice.

Visitors are strongly encouraged to wear a surgical mask while visiting their loved ones and continue to follow infection prevention and control measures such as hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.

For more information, contact the centre’s Director of Care or Infection Prevention and Control Lead.

Refer to COVID-19 at Peel Long Term Care for specific information and guidelines.

Follow the centre outbreak guidelines and signage when visiting during an outbreak if permitted. Check in with the Receptionist or designate when you arrive at the centre. They will give you special instructions for visiting during an outbreak.

For more information, contact the centre’s Director of Care or Infection Prevention and Control Lead.

Refer to COVID-19 at Peel Long Term Care for specific information and guidelines.

All Peel Long Term Care centres and Adult Day Services have emergency plans in place to ensure the safety of all our residents, staff, and guests. Access the emergency plans.

To request an accessible version of the emergency plans you can contact the Long Term Care Centre administrator.

The Peel Long Term Care and Adult Day Services Pandemic Response Plan (2023) is a plan that can be used in response to pandemic events and other health-related emergencies.

This plan will be reviewed, and updated regularly, as new information is made available to ensure it remains aligned with national, provincial, and local plans and reflects current knowledge on pandemic influenza, COVID-19, and other emerging infections that could result in a pandemic.

The plan should be used in conjunction with, the emergency plan.

For any information, contact the centre Administrator.

Perfumes, colognes and body sprays contain fragrances that can cause health risks and allergic reactions. For the comfort and health of everyone at our centres, we ask that our visitors not use scented products before or during their visit.

Latex-free environment

Anyone who is frequently exposed to latex is at risk for developing a latex allergy. If you have a latex allergy, your body mistakes the proteins found in natural rubber latex for a harmful substance. A severe latex allergy may cause anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening condition.

To guard against allergic reactions, we never use latex products.

Smoking and vaping are not allowed inside any of our centres. We have designated outside areas for residents only where smoking is allowed. Visitors must not give cigarettes or lighters to residents.

All our centres have a Zero Tolerance for Abuse policy. Abuse of any kind, physical or verbal, is not tolerated. We conduct investigations of all complaints, no matter how small or insignificant an incident may seem. Copies of the policy are available from the Business office.

Collection of Personal Health Information

The collection, use, storage and sharing of personal health information is managed in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). Under PHIPA, we collect personal health information concerning residents or the person who is legally acting on behalf of the resident.

You may also contact Peel Long Term Care at:

Peel Long Term Care
10 Peel Centre Dr., Suite B, 3rd Fl.
Brampton, ON L6T 4B9

Fax: 905-789-6853

You also have the right to make inquiries, express any concerns or make a complaint to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario if you think we have breached your rights.

Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
2 Bloor St. E., Suite 1400
Toronto, ON M4W 1A8

General Inquiry: 416-326-3333
Toll Free: 1-800-387-0073