Resident and family councils
Councils provide an opportunity to get involved and share your thoughts.
Residents’ Council
All long term care centres have a Residents’ Council. They are a group of residents who meet monthly to discuss issues of interest regarding the centre they live in.
Residents are encouraged to participate in these meetings as the goal is to safeguard the rights, respect, dignity, and quality of life of residents. This is an opportunity for residents to play a role in the general operation of the centre by influencing decisions on subjects such as food, activities, and outings, to name a few. The date, time and location of the meetings are posted on the monthly resident calendar located in all resident home areas.
All residents are welcome to get involved.
Residents’ Council Presidents are elected by their peers. They play an important role in each home as ambassadors for other residents.
To learn more about Residents’ Council at any of our centres, speak to the centre’s Supervisor, Resident Support Services or any member of the centre leadership team.
Family Council
Each Peel Long Term Care centre has a Family Council. This committee is made up of family members who work to enhance daily living and improve services for residents.
Residents’ family members, substitute decision makers, caregivers, and friends can meet at the Centre on a regular basis to:
- Support each other.
- Advocate for their loved ones.
- Express ideas and concerns to help create positive change.
- Create a forum of education and information sharing.
- Plan activities that will enrich the lives of our residents.
To learn more about Family Council and get involved, speak to the Centre’s Social Worker or any member of the centre leadership team.