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Peel Region

Have your say about child care

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences and helping us improve child care services in Peel.

From February to early April 2024, we reached out to families to get your thoughts on child care.

Whether you completed a survey or attended a focus group, you told us what’s important to your family.

Our timeline

Spring 2024

Summer 2024

Fall/Winter 2024

Why we're doing this

Peel Region manages the early years child care system in Peel and is responsible for making sure that all families have access to high-quality, affordable services.

Every 5 years the Ministry of Education requires Peel Region to develop a new system-wide service plan for early years and child care services in our region. This plan outlines priorities for continuous growth while meeting the changing needs of children and families. Learn about our 2019 to 2024 road map for early years and child care.

With lower fees offered through the new Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Plan, we need to create more child care spaces to meet the increasing demand from families. As we plan for this new growth, diversity and inclusion are a top priority.

To shape the new early years and child care plan for 2025-2030, we need to hear from Peel’s diverse families. Your feedback along with existing data will help us learn what families think about: