Flood waste collection

For flood-related waste collection call us at 905-791-9499.

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Peel Region

Using your bins

Peel Region follows a bi-weekly alternating schedule for garbage and recycling collection.

Most Peel neighbourhoods use bins to dispose of household waste.

Bin collection overview

Check your collection calendar for your collection day and schedule.

Don't know if an item goes in your recycling, organics, or garbage bin? Check How to Sort Your Waste.

How to use your bins

This video shows which types of waste goes into the different bins:

You can keep your bins in good shape by:

Placing your bins at the curb

This video shows how to place your bins at the curb:

Placing your bins:

Removing your bins

Remove your bins from the curb by 8 p.m. on your collection day. If your bins aren't collected by 8 p.m., report waste not picked up.

Special instructions for winter

Other information

Watch a comparison of the different-sized bins and see how much garbage and recyclables each contains.

Homes in bin-based collection areas have:

  • 1 organics bin,
  • 1 recycling bin,
  • 1 garbage bin, and
  • 1 kitchen container.

Organics bin and kitchen container

All residents use a 100 L organics bin. It is only available in one size.

64 cm
2 ft 1 in
51 cm
1 ft 8 in
99 cm
3 ft 3 in
Organics Bin
organics bin
23.2 cm
9 1/8 in
29.5 cm
11 5/8 in
23.2 cm
9 1/8 in
Kitchen Container
kitchen container

Garbage bin

Garbage bins are available in 3 sizes: small, medium, and large.

56 cm
1 ft 10 in
51 cm
1 ft 8 in
97 cm
3 ft 2 in
Small Garbage Bin
small garbage bin
71 cm
2 ft 4 in
64 cm
2 ft 1 in
112 cm
3 ft 8 in
Medium Garbage Bin
medium garbage bin
89 cm
2 ft 11 in
69 cm
2 ft 3 in
119 cm
3 ft 11 in
Large Garbage Bin
large garbage bin

  • A small bin (120 L, 32 gal) will hold 1–2 bags of garbage.
  • A medium bin (240 L, 64 gal) will hold 3–4 bags of garbage.
  • A large bin (360 L, 95 gal) will hold 4–5 bags of garbage.

Recycling bin

Recycling bins are also available in 3 sizes: small, medium, and large.

56 cm
1 ft 10 in
51 cm
1 ft 8 in
97 cm
3 ft 2 in
Small Recycling Bin
small recycling bin
71 cm
2 ft 4 in
64 cm
2 ft 1 in
112 cm
3 ft 8 in
Medium Recycling Bin
medium recycling bin
89 cm
2 ft 11 in
69 cm
2 ft 3 in
119 cm
3 ft 11 in
Large Recycling Bin
large recycling cart

  • A small bin (120 L, 32 gal) will hold approximately 2 blue boxes.
  • A medium bin (240 L, 64 gal) will hold approximately 4 blue boxes.
  • A large bin (360 L, 95 gal) will hold approximately 6 blue boxes.

Serial numbers

On the side of each bin is a serial number that you can record for future reference in case a bin goes missing or is damaged.

The first character indicates the size of the bin: "S" for Small; "M" for Medium; and "L" for Large.

Each bin also has a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag.

RFID tags help us keep track of bins in case they are lost, stolen, or broken. 

RFID technology isn't new: for years it's been used at libraries to keep track of borrowed and returned books and for timing marathons and races.

You can change your recycling or garbage bin for a smaller or larger-sized bin. Change bin size

New development

If you are moving/have moved into a new development, please call 905-791-7800 or email wasteinquiry@peelregion.ca once you have moved in to set up your waste collection service. In your email be sure to include your name and new address.

Resale home

If you are moving/have moved into a resale home, please use the bins that are already at your new home. If there are no bins at your new home when you move in, please report the bin problem.

If the bins aren't suitable for your household you can change them for smaller or larger-sized bins. An exchange fee of $25 will apply. Get more details about changing a bin size.

Rented property

If you are a tenant moving into a rented property, please use the bins that are already at your new home. If the bins aren't suitable for you, please speak to your property owner/landlord. Only property owners/landlords can request a bin exchange.

Peel Region does not collect old, obsolete green bins, blue boxes, grey boxes or plastic resin containers at the curb.

Choose from these options to dispose of your old bins and containers:

1. Drop them off for free at a Peel Community Recycling Centre (CRC).

At the CRC, be sure to dispose of your old bins or boxes in the designated section, not in the garbage receptacle. Green bins currently used in the waste collection program will not be accepted.

2. Keep and re-use them.

  • Use your old green bin to store pet food, bird seed, barbeque charcoal, sand or sidewalk salt.
  • Use your old blue box or grey box to:
    • Hold recyclables before putting them in your recycling bin.
    • Hold yard waste for setting on the curb. A blue/grey box must be clearly labelled with a yard waste sticker or "Yard Waste" clearly written in paint or permanent marker.
    • Store items around your home or in your shed or garage.