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Peel Region

Driveway or access request procedure

Development applications regulated by the Planning Act. Last update January 1, 2013.

The purpose of these design criteria is to highlight the procedure, design requirements, fees and engineering submissions of the road and access works within the right-of-way jurisdiction of the Region of Peel. The design guidelines will include widening design of existing road and construction required to facilitate the proposed development.

The road and access improvements required to facilitate the development are determined by staff in the Traffic Engineering Section, or as indicated in the Transportation Impact Assessment. The Transportation Impact Assessment will specify the need for road requirements and identify effects of traffic generated by the proposed development on the existing road network in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development.

Any changes and deviations from these guidelines may be acceptable, where warranted at the discretion of regional staff. The consulting engineer shall contact the appropriate staff in the Traffic Engineering section to resolve the specific problems. Should changes and deviations from these guidelines be approved by Regional staff, the consulting engineer shall confirm, in writing, the changes made and provide rationale for these required changes. Drawings shall then be updated reflecting the changes.

Engineering submission

Design drawing requirements

Proposed modifications to the existing road shall clearly specify the works proposed to be carried out and shall indicate existing and proposed road composition.

  1. Proposed design modifications shall be designed to the Region’s Public Works Design Standard Specification and Procedures Manual and should comply with the latest Ontario Provincial Standards Drawing (OPSD) standards.
  2. All drawings shall indicate Region file number in the title block (e.g. D-10714781N).
  3. A key plan is to be included on all drawings in the upper right hand corner, indicating existing roads and highways around the site;
  4. Plan drawings shall be prepared at a 1:500 scale and Profile Drawings at a 1:50 scale.
  5. True North must be indicated on all drawings.
  6. All drawings shall be designed in Microstation format for final upload into the Region's records.
  7. The drawings shall comprise of the following:
    • Removals
    • New construction
    • Typical sections
    • Pavement, grading and drainage
    • Pavement markings and signage
  8. All drawings must be stamped and signed by a licensed professional engineer.
  9. When new traffic control signals are required at a proposed access, the traffic control signal design shall comply with the Region’s Standard Drawings for Electrical Traffic Standards.

Removals drawing and new construction drawing

Typical sections drawings

Pavement markings and signage drawing

Maintenance bond

Prior to any construction on the subject lands, the owner or developer is required to provide securities to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions per the site plan application. The securities shall be at 100% of the estimated cost of the design for the required road and access works within the Region's right-of-way. Cost estimate for the proposed road and access works shall be submitted for review and comment at the time of the final engineering submission. The required securities may be submitted in the form of a letter of credit or certified cheque. Access a sample letter of credit.

The maintenance bond is reduced to 10% upon completion of the road works and correction of any deficiencies. The 10% hold back will remain for the duration of a one-year maintenance period.

Letter of Undertaking

For certain projects, a Letter of Undertaking must be completed and reviewed by Regional staff prior to being executed by the owner/applicant/developer. It is the consultant’s responsibility to obtain most up-to-date Draft Letter of Undertaking from Regional staff. Access the current Letter of Undertaking.

P.U.C.C circulation

Copies of the final engineering submission are circulated to all public utility members in order to eliminate and/or reduce conflicts at the time of construction. This allows public utilities to identify any existing infrastructure that may be affected by the proposed road and access works. The typical circulation process takes a minimum of 6 weeks, or a min-procedure can be exercised only for emergency purposes. In addition, the applicant/owner/developer shall acquire the public utilities to provide locates at its own discretion prior to any construction within Region right-of-way.

Engineering fees

For 2023, engineering fees are calculated at 10.8% of the estimated cost at a minimum fee of $1,724.40.

Insurance certificate

The Region requires that the contractor/applicant/developer provide a minimum 5 million dollar liability insurance coverage and that the Region of Peel be named on the certificate as additional insured. Download the insurance certificate.

Notice to commence work

The applicant’s contractor shall complete a “Notification to Commence Work” 48 hours prior to any commencement of construction and shall be included with the construction drawings. Download a copy of the Notification to Commence Work.

Road occupancy permit

All work carried out within the Region’s Right-of-Way is required to have a valid Road Occupancy Permit.

Reference documents

Engineering submissions shall be designed in accordance with the following reference documents: