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Peel Region

Climate Change Master Plan

How Peel Region is responding to the climate emergency.

Peel Region will be a leader in the community to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to ensure its services, operations, and infrastructure are resilient to the impacts of climate change.

The Climate Change Master Plan is comprised of 20 actions and 66 activities which will set forth the direction for how Peel Region will lead by example through the management of Regional assets, infrastructure, and services in a changing climate over the next decade it will also verify what's necessary to support the community as it transforms in response to climate change. In doing so, the master plan will compliment and support efforts of partners in the broader community.

Access the Climate Change Master Plan.

The plan’s outcomes

The Climate Change Master Plan Executive Summary provides a concise picture of how Peel Region is stepping up to the challenge to address climate change.

The Climate Change Master Plan provides the approach to how Peel will respond to its climate emergency declaration. This plan joins together municipalities across Ontario’s call for greater action in response to climate change.

More information

The Climate Clock tells us how much time we have left before it's too late.

The clock is based on the best available data from leading climate scientists around the world. Greenhouse gas emissions need to decline. If they don't, we're only years away from temperatures rising by 1.5°C and 2°C across the globe.

If we can stop this increase, we'll avoid climate change's most dangerous effects.