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Peel Region

Contacts and resources for clinics

Peel Public Health contacts, about COVID-19 vaccine doses COVID-19 vaccines, and advice for clinics facing vaccination barriers.

Peel Public Health contacts

COVID-19 liaison team
Onboarding, clinical guidance, flagging clinic issues, new COVax users, and other inquiries.

Peel COVax authorization or
COVax user reactivations, deactivations, and support

Peel's vaccine management team
Cold chain, COVID-19 vaccine questions, orders, delivery, and COVax inventory reconciliation:

COVax client record data errors
Incorrect details on COVax client profile including dose administration errors, duplicate profiles, client details and out of province vaccines

Other information

To align with National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) and the product monographs, as of fall 2023, the Ontario Ministry of Health is moving away from using the terms 'primary series' and 'booster doses'. The immunization history document refers to an individual's vaccination status as 'not previously vaccinated' and 'previously vaccinated'. For further definitions review the document.

The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) and the Ministry of Health is recommending vaccination with an COVID-19 XBB formulation, which better protects against the new Omicron XBB variant.

Review the latest Ministry guidance and NACI statements for the most updated information.

Low patient demand and wastage 

  • Primary care is encouraged to provide opportunistic vaccination, especially for high-risk individuals, even if it requires the wastage of some doses.
  • Plan to administer at the same time as the flu vaccine to avoid wastage in preparation for the fall season.
  • Individuals 6 months and older, may receive a COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as (same day), or at any time before or after non-COVID-19 vaccines (including live and non-live vaccines) exclusion is Imvamune and RSV (Arexvy) vaccine.

Vaccine hesitancy